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About Ivory Towers

Ivory Towers is the leading online dating site and matchmaking service for single graduates in the UK and Ireland. Since we started in 2004, thousands of postgrads from Oxbridge and beyond have found love, friendship and marriage through Ivory Towers. So if you're looking for an intelligent, university-educated partner, join Ivory Towers and start connecting today.

Your tools to find your perfect match

Discover up to 1000 matches with our intelligent two-way matching feature.
Find someone special with one of our many search options and add those you like to your Favourites.
When you're ready, contact members using an easy and private messaging interface.
See what you have in common with others at a glance.
You're in control - block members who do not meet your standards or report unsavoury members.

Our Support Team is here to guide you

Feedback from members we've helped in the past.

Thanks for the advice. I'll go along with your suggestions.
John, 15 July 2024
Thank you for responding to me on a Sunday & I must say that you & your colleagues are excellent at communicating/responding.
Mike, 05 May 2024
Thanks so very much for your prompt reply and assistance, very much appreciated!
Donna, 21 May 2024